Electric Vehicles
+Electric Vehicles
New Jersey is driving toward a greener future with its goal to achieve 100% electric vehicle (EV) adoption by 2035. This initiative highlights the State’s commitment to mitigating carbon emissions and spearheading sustainable transportation solutions. Bolstering this vision are strategic investments, such as the $100 million Clean Energy Initiative aimed at democratizing electrification and fostering equitable mobility projects statewide. Such investments propel New Jersey forward in its environmental commitments and set the standard for clean and sustainable transportation nationwide.
Offshore Wind
+Offshore Wind
With 130 miles of Atlantic Ocean shoreline, strong wind speeds, and shallow water depths, New Jersey is the strategically placed leader of America’s offshore wind industry. The New Jersey Wind Port is the nation’s first purpose-built offshore wind port, providing a location for essential staging, assembly, and manufacturing related to offshore wind projects on the East Coast.
New Jersey is also ensuring it has the workforce to meet offshore wind industry needs. The Wind Institute for Innovation & Training, part of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, advances offshore wind workforce development, education, research, and innovation. These commitments have led to New Jersey’s goal of producing 7,500 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2035.
New Jersey’s solar industry is bolstered by some of the nation’s best incentives. The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) champions the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program, making solar electricity accessible and affordable for all residents. Despite being the fifth-smallest land-area state, New Jersey has the eighth-largest solar capacity installed in the nation. It ranks in the top 10 for industry employment, with over 6,000 solar energy jobs.